Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Advertising for Success

There are many kinds of Internet advertising. The online community has its own language, rituals, symbols, and values. Crack that code, and you may develop new brands, products, and services that more effectively serve this unique tribe of Internet users. The latest contender for the new online advertising paradigm is behavioral targeting (BT), which displays a particular creative or rich content based on the sites the viewer has visited and what actions the viewer has performed on those websites. Podcasting, a mixture of video blogging (vlogging) and radio, has taken off as an advertising medium. From Apple to Lexus, advertisers are lining up to advertise during or to sponsor podcasts.

Behavioral targeting? Paradigm? Podcasting? If these terms mean nothing to you, then you might want to consider the services of a professional advertising service. Success Through Advertising, LLC was created with one goal; to bring a highly motivated and quality customer base to your door. Success Through Advertising is a unique, engagement-focused online advertising solution. STA provides a unique and efficient way to advertise your products and services.

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