Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Has the Burger King Lost his Mind?

The commercial aired Monday night during the NCAA title game. The commercial for Burger King feature dancing girls, a rapping king and SpongeBob square pants singing to a well-known tune.

It may surprise you to learn the ads are meant to sell kid's meals. Some parents are saying that this Burger King commercial is--to put it politely--in poor taste. I am curious what y'all think. Does the adage "sex sells" now hold to the under six-year-old demographic?

My opinion can be summed up thus: What does booty have to do with a kid's meal?
Now I want to hear your opinion...


Balu said...

A good commercial act to sell burgers

CyberCelt said...

balu-Okay. What would you use to sell milshakes? lol

@oneshare-Thanks. Do you always leave the same comment?

paroles said...

excellent article, thank you

G.a.i.a said...

I'm 100% agree with you: two thumbs down. Burger King really showed it's very poor taste this time

Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

Doctorflix said...

Now a days companies go to any extent to promote their product which is really lame...

EmmaB said...

My boyfriend and I have been talking about the same thing. We asked ourselves why Burger King was using a "booty" ad for a KIDS meal. Last time I checked, kids didn't pay all that much attention to girls shaking their "assets"

Frances said...

Cool video. Weird square butts though. Haha


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