Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Marketing Strategies for Holidays 2006

The Monday after Thanksgiving is traditionally the largest online shopping day of the holiday season and is referred to as Cyber Monday.

Coremetrics, a leading provider of web analytics and marketing solutions, predicts the top shopping day, named eDay, will actually come one week after Cyber Monday, on December 4.

After eDay, Coremetrics predicts the next four largest days for online retail sales will be the Monday one week after eDay, the Wednesday after eDay, the Tuesday after eDay and the Tuesday one week after eDay.

Coremetrics lists online marketing recommendations for Holidays 2006:
  • During the weeks before and after eDay (December4), launch personalized email campaigns, increase paid search daily budgets and per-click bids and optimize shopping comparison site placements.

  • One week following eDay, communicate a sense of urgency to shop prior to inventory limitations, high shipment costs or inability to deliver on time.

  • Two weeks after eDay, promote the store finder, in-store pick up and in-store promotions to last-minute shoppers, and reduce your paid search daily budgets and click prices back to pre-holiday levels.

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