Friday, June 20, 2008

Backlink : As You Like It

I am a do-follow blogger. I have edited my template so that readers who comment on my blog posts receive a backlink. However, with Blogspot blogs, you must choose your identity carefully to receive a proper link back.

If you are signed into to G00gle/Blogger, as shown above, your link will go to your Blogger profile and not your blog.

If you use OpenID for WordPress (as shown above) or LiveJournal, your comment will link back to your blog. If you use OpenID, OpenID for TypeKey or OpenID for AIM, your backlink leads to your profile page.

The option to leave your name and URL, as shown above, is best, but not all bloggers offer this option. If you are offered this option, take it, but do not spam. Leave a relevant comment, then type your name and your URL in the spaces provided.

Anonymous is just that. However, you may add your name and a link at the bottom of your relevant comment. See following example.

If you do not code your URL in HTML, it will show up as plain text. See the difference between CyberCelt and blog above.

How do you receive a backlink on a do follow Blogspot blog?
  • Leave a thoughtful comment that is pertinent to the blog post;
  • Use the Name/URL option; or
  • Use OpenID option; or,
  • Use the Anonymous option, sign your post and add URL coded in HTML.
How do you get your comment deleted?
  • Leave a comment that is words copied from the blog post;
  • Leave a lame comment like, "Good job";
  • Leave a comment asking for a link;
  • Leave the same comment (cut and pasted) every time;
  • Use a name like MasterCard, Pharmacy, CarInsurance, etc.;
  • Leave a URL for a site that is not a blog, but a website, affiliate site, etc.
I hope this helps you understand Blogspot do follow blogs a little better. Remember, the blogger chooses to give backlinks, you cannot scam them.


Anonymous said...

I always choose this option when it's available. If it's not I'll add a link to the bottom of my post. Great info for others who may not know! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi CyberCelt,

Thanks for stopping by our site, for your support and giving us a great recommendation. It's much appreciated.


CyberCelt said...

@mom-I keep getting anonymous posts that provide no information on who wrote them.

@maria=If you had taken the advice in the post you just read, you would have an active backlink now.

Anonymous said...

I have also enabled the do-follow on my blogger blog. However in the last weeks I got a bit annoyed by 1 sentence comments which are common on my blog as it's about cats but I don't see to give a link for that.

Now I am more content to delete such comments and have also stated this under the Leave a comment.

Anonymous said...

when blogger first altered their comments portion, i used anonymous, then include a link back to my blog.

good thing they now have the name/url option. but i do leave comments on posts that i like, regardless of the dofollow/nofollow.

Anonymous said...

@cybercelt - I was stopping by just to say thank you, I wasn't after a back link.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of comments and commenting. I'm also surprised that more people don't take advantage of this wonderful opportunity...?? (Shakes head).

Could I ask you what files you may have edited to ensure the do follow? We're using Wordpress, have the plugin to make it happen, but it doesn't always work.

I'm not much of a coder, though I can hunt and peck with the best of them LOL!

Any advice would be appreciated :)

BTW I always choose Name/URL whenever possible and thanks for the clarifications of the different levels, nice job :)

Anonymous said...

Great little post, I would so often just type out a long comment on a site that I found of interest or could offer help through and scroll down to come and find out - I couldn't being that I didn't have a blogger id.

It's great to see more people catching onto this fact.

Anonymous said...

I did not know to do this but I do now. Thanks for tip!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this explanation on the Blogger commenting system. Although I do not use Blogger, I have managed to figure out most of this stuff through trial and error. Unfortunately, I have noticed that many Blogger blogs still have not enabled the option for commenters to use their own name and URL - they still make us link to our profile page, which does us no good for SEO. Perhaps this little tutorial will educate them on this and help more bloggers who are using this particular platform to enable the full range of options for commenting so that more people will be encouraged to make comments and receive credit for their links.

Anonymous said...

yea, i already use this backlink also for long time ago, and thanks for educate the newbie. Great post, dude!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the tip on name/url. You actually taught me something useful, and the vast majority of blogs I read don't do that. Again, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been blogging for a while, but I'm fairly new to social networking stuffs. What is a backlink?

CyberCelt said...

@ana-It is a constant battle. I hate the keywords leading to a commercial site and the people that copy a sentence out of the post and leave that has the comment. Thanks for stopping by.

@ceblogger-I appreciate comments. Thank you for leaving one.

@marie-Sorry, girl. I did not mean to be mean. However, you do want backlinks. LOL

@diane-I will find out and visit your blog to tell you.


@toni-You are most welcome.

@fool-No problem. Thanks for commenting.

@karl-you left a keyword, which is not allowed by my comment policy. If you had not left such a good comment and if I did not read your blog, it would have been deleted.

@andy-You are welcome.

@mary-Thank you for your warm comment.

@tk-Links to your blog by other blogs and sites. It helps increase page rank.

Anonymous said...

This is a fascinating post. I notice you have no page rank and wonder if your do follow policy has anything to do with it. Do you still get Google organic traffic?

At the same time you're pushing 100,000 on Alexa so you must be getting significant traffic.

It all seems upside down. You're getting great traffic offering back links but aren't participating in the SEO frameworks at all.

I think this blog is an argument for quantity with quality over SEO quality.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I wish I had read this about a year ago. I leave comments all the time and thought if I was doing the blogger thing, I was getting the links. Thanks! Christina

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people leave comments that are just random phrases from my blog. Why do they do that? Is that supposed to trick me? I take pride and read the comments I receive... if I didn't, I'd disable the comment feature altogether!

Anonymous said...

hey that was quite informative. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I thought since blogger was owned by google nobody would ever get a dofollow on these blogs.

Thanks for helping the little guys like me. :)


Myron Tay

Anonymous said...

i've learned something new today. thanks for the illustrations which helped a lot. good luck!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that you have opened up DoFollow for comments. Your explanation about how to leave links back to our websites is also useful; many Blogger users and visitors are not aware that there is an option to leave a name and URL instead of having to link to the profile page.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are wondering about exactly how to configure Blogger to make it DoFollow for comments, I managed to find a reasonably good tutorial for this here:

How to Remove NoFollow from Blogger

Anonymous said...

I'm DoFollower, too... :D

because back link is beautiful... :D

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myphemaster said...

Hey Cybercelt,

How are you? I've been to your Endangered Spaces Blog and commented. I really admire your advocacy to the Environment.

Since this is not your Environment-oriented blogsite, and I don't want to make a double entry on that blog of yours, I'd like to invite you to participate in my latest campaign to feed the hungry.

I will be working with my comment area to make my place a do-follow blog. My old blog used to be a do-follow.

Take Care!

Ideas Moderator said...

Nice tip...At first I thought that putting your blogger user name is the best option to get a back link..Thanks for revealing to me the best way to comment...

Sandy said...

I just recently (like a few days ago), learned about this do follow. Had no idea the default code was not to. I did make the change, but think I did right before changing my template. Your post is jogging my memory. Then I read one should load the FF plug in, which I did. that I've done that, I don't know how to use it. I read using the toolbar would give you a red or blue, one color meant the code had been changed, the other color meant it hadn't been. But, I don't get either a blue or red when I click my toolbar, I get a purple and so am clueless.

I really like the name and url option and use it whenever I can; but am surprised how many blogs don't have it activated. I do leave url with my signature; but didn't know I could make it a link rather than cut and paste url. Can you explain how to do that?


John said...

Just curious, what's your position on this?:

How to get your comment deleted:
"Leave a URL for a site that is not a blog, but a website, affiliate site, etc."

Do you disallow business / spam websites, but allow personal websites? Or do you disallow anything that isn't a blog?

Just wondering because I have a few websites (programming / photography) and depending on the topic of a blog post I occasionally comment using their URL.

Desi Girl said...

I am going to involve your strategies on my blog also..
Thanks for such nice information.

Mom said...


I was never aware that the standard identity option would lead to my profile instead of my blog. Thank you.

John Peter said...

Cool post. Thanks for gave such a valuable information.

Anonymous said...

Good blog, I've been looking for a way to create backlinks on blogger. Thanks for sharing

Covek Bez said...

Hey CyberCelt,

thanks for letting me know about this. I was actually stuck in finding out how I could get a backlink, without having it link back to my blogger account, and not my actual website. I thank you for your help, and the backlink should work now, hehe.

mma gear said...

This is a great feature, definitely makes blogger a better place for commenting.

B2B Trade Portal said...

Great tutorial. I think it is more informative.

Fort Myers Web Design said...

I applaud you for allowing such backlinks on your blog. People dont realize the extra traffic they will receive when they allow do-follow. You're blog is also very good reading. Keep up the good work.

Jack said...

great tutorial, I never used the other options besides name/url i will give those a shot as well. Thanks

Jessica said...

The DoFollow revolution embraces the sharing of link juice going out to other sites.
This is just a well explained post about do-follow.

Anders Holm said...

Thank you for this fine explanation !

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post! Now i have the idea on how to comment on blogs! Goodluck!

luc said...

this is the first time i come here, thank you

Christian, Web Designer said...

Thanks for the advice. It's nice that you do accept comments on your blog. Thanks again for sharing.

aimstar4u said...

Thanks for your tips about How to get Backlinks. Backlinks is very important for SEO process. After I finished reading your post it make me understand why my comments were deleted by blog owner.

Globally Gorgeous said...

Good Information. By the way, can you please tell how i can add a comment page like yours in blogger.

Dean said...

I am very interested in this dofollow backlink business
so i would like to thank you
and give you something in return
im working on something and when its done you will have first dibbs

Kevin said...

Very cool, I was wondering how all this stuff works.

Joe Genco said...

This is a very informative site and I appreciate the help! 'm just getting started in the world of blogging and like to know that there is help along the way.

Asim said...

The info is general but still important for new bloggers
i like this post so much that i,m going to write one like this on my blog
don,t worry i,m not gonna copy your,s

positive thinking said...

thank you for your information from now I will always using my URL tp make a comment

john said...

hi CyberClet,

Its very nice that you are very honest in your views and its greate that you open your doors to new website authors who wants backlinks.

Asking for a backlink is good but one should give a quality comment on the posts.

This is the only method which which make a wheel starts rolling.

I am a website developer of SysInfoTools Data Recovery and i am really happy to see this do follow blog.

Martin Curven said...

I enjoy reading this blog. Could tell me how I could subscribing with it? By the way I discovered this blog through Aol.


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aisha omy said...

wow .. i like it >> thx for that .. i never know how to got back links to my website .. and now i know how ... thx :) عائشة أمي

unical said...

does blogger/google penalize people with an URl in their comments?

Thanks in advance ;)

Family Recipes said...

Excellent tips about how to post. I found it very helpful. You have a wonderful blog.

Buy facebook Apps said...

I always used the name/URL option.because users know about new website and other kinds of knowledge that's why i used it

iPad Developer said...

Back links are important for our website

iPhone Application Blog said...

Personally I thank you for a lovely explanation on how to post a comment with your identity.

Bismarck said...

Hey buddy, that's a really good explanation. At the first i was like "what should i do?". But after reading this post, i know what i have to do before i leave my comment, in the right way :D
Nice job!

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Nice comments shared in this post. Through this blog came to know about many unknown news. Thanks for the post in this blog. Keep it up the good work.

It is so nice of you, to this great article.
Thanks once again.

doidor said...

thanks for tip. didn't know this :)

Kingsley said...

Thanks for giving us this opportunity. It is very good of you.

maslakon said...

thanks for the info. This info is very useful for me who are learning about blogs. soon I will perform. thanks .... :-)

Latif said...

I always use option "name and url" so that's easy and away from spam activities. thanks

Anonymous said...

Very nice post. This is such nice information. Thanks for share this.

megamind said...

thanks for your tips..


yogesh_gamer said...

Nice post. Thanks for gave such a information.

Yogesh Gamer

Anonymous said...

very good information ..thank alot for sharing your knowledge..=)

Unknown said...

this information is also visible on blogspot offical blog

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