Learning styles and personality types are part and parcel of what we become as we age and gain experience. If you take this test at different times in your life, you will see how your personality and learning styles change.
On the left side you will see indicators of personality types. Perception involves all the ways in which we become aware of things, people, happenings or ideas. Judgment involves the process by which we come to conclusions about what we have perceived.
On the right side of the graph above are the Multiple Intelligences that were mapped by Howard Gardner. Also called learning inventories, these interest surveys are helpful in discovering the best way you and others learn.
I would like to map the predominant learning styles and personality types of bloggers that visit this blog, if enough respond.

Scientific Inquiry
Interested? Click here to take the test,
Then, come back here and leave me a comment with your four letter code for Personality Type and top three or four Multiples Intelligences.
For example: I am an INFP with naturalist, visual/spatial and intrapersonal learning preferences.
Everyone who participates will be given a "follow" link in a post when I show the results. There may also be some ECs or CMF ads credits as well.
Ooohh I luv these tests! I'm about to head on to work but I will take this test soon as I get home tonight.
Enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work! Clicked some ads for you.
Ha, amazing :D I've been looking for a test like that for some time now, but all I got was the old math based intelligence ones...
I can't do it right now (I'm at work ;) ) but I bookmarked the site and will get to it asap.
Thanks again.
Awesome! I love experiments... I tried to post my badge too, but it won't let me... I am right between INFP & ITFP and my strengths are Intrapersonal, Natural, Verbal/Linguist, and Visual/Spatial.
Thank you for sharing
Thank you
I've been looking for a test like that for some time now, but all I got was the old math based intelligence ones.I can't do it right now but I bookmarked the site and will get to it as soon as possible.Thanks again.
Thanks to everyone for participating. No one shared their results, but that does not surprise me. Remember the test site for future use.
Do you always write this stuff, over you head.. Great article
;) thankxxx
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