Gillette(R) commissioned Harris Interactive(R) to conduct a survey of 500+ human resource professionals. The results were not surprising: 92 percent of HR professionals believe well-groomed individuals look more confident; 84 percent of HR professionals agree that well-groomed employees climb the corporate ladder faster than those who are not well groomed.
If you visit the Gillette Career Advantage website, you may read or download the Gillette Hire Guide, which provides easy to understand tips on how to ensure your chance for employment success by improving your appearance, grooming and personal hygiene.
Once you have pursued the Gillette Career Advantage, visit the Gillette Resource Center. Read Keeping Up Appearances in the Workplace Advice from style and grooming expert, Brett Fahlgren. You may find some quick tips in Ten Simple Ways to Rise Above the Competition Advice from communications consultant and career expert, Mark Jeffries.
Are clean shaven cheeks, well-groomed hair, clean white teeth and nails, conservative hairstyle and suit with matching shoes going to guarantee you employment? No. But with the help on these two sites, I believe you might get that edge you need to succeed.

awesome blog .... thanks for thepost
Thanks for the awesome, its really very helpful
enough said. nice post!
Gr8!! idea and a great blog. I appreciate your work & hope for some more informative information.
Good grooming gives you self confidence and a stairway to promotion.
I never doubt that to those who groomed their self properly will be highly to be chosen among the applicants.
Personal hygiene declares who you are and that is a lasting impression.
@arun, @gabriel, @roger - please stop by again and leave a real comment.
@victor-Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
@anthony-You are so right. If we look good, we feel and act good.
@oliver-We only get that one chance to make a first impression.
I never doubt that to those who groomed their self properly will be highly to be chosen among the applicants.awesome blog .... thanks for the post.nice blog.
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