Friday, September 9, 2005

How to Use Google AdSense to Earn Money from Your Website

In the words of the GoogleGuy, anonymous Google employee who posts on Webmasterworld forum:
...sites that provide solid content, especially niche sites that don't want to hunt down their own advertisers, should really benefit ... there's a whole universe of people who ... mostly produce informational sites, and the chance to recoup their costs without much effort is nice. I hope AdSense does encourage more diversity and voices on the web, because now smaller sites can work on what they're interested in the content of their sites without worrying very much about the costs of self-publishing information.


Should I Use Google AdSense to Earn Money from My Website?

Site-Sell is the definitive guide on Google AdSense. Even if you do
not use Site Build It, please bookmark this page:
All I Need to Know About AdSense by SiteSell


Ken Envoy, a real wizard at all things Internet, discusses Google AdSense and answers many questions that might occur to you as you contemplate using Google AdSense on your site. For instance, Ken discusses many strategies he has used on his daughter's test site and explains what worked and what did not.

This is the newest strategy that Ken shares with anyone who will read All I Need to Know About AdSense by SiteSell
Strategy #11) Use Google for search Intelligently As mentioned earlier, Google AdSense is composed of two major sections...

  • AdSense for content
  • AdSense for search
Most people think of Google AdSense as being synonymous with AdSense for Content. It's not. AdSense for search was released quite a bit later and was not given the proper fanfare it deserves by Google.

It has immense potential. It should be considered as the "other half" of Google AdSense.

Are you interested yet? If you are, read Ken's words. It is so much easier to understand than the information at Google. You will be glad you did!

God bless... Have a Great Weekend!

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