Saturday, April 15, 2006

Search Engine Optimizing for Dummies

In 2000, I attended a web developer’s conference in Austin and learned search engine optimization (SEO) from a Yahoo! guru. This knowledge held me in good stead for years.

Now, I must admit that I have almost given up on search engine optimization (SEO). I read the SEO newsletters, peruse and post to SEO forums, and periodically scrape the blogosphere for the latest on search engine algorithm changes.

SEO has become a game with its own language, arcane symbols and ever-changing gods of rank and position. Dependant upon which god is in ascendancy at the moment, there are different answers to important questions:
  • Which metatags do we use?
  • May we use landing pages now?
  • What words do we use in anchor text on hyperlinks?
  • Are links within a website useful?
  • What are the Dublin metatags?
  • Should we use hyphens (-) or underscores (_) in our titles?
Rather than giving up, I decided to take action. I purchased Internet Business Promoter (IBP) software, which I will use to optimize both my websites ( and

The software and the process appears simple: optimize your web pages, promote your web sites and track the results. They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee and free updates for a year.

Wish me luck in my quest for page ranking of the past.

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1 comment:

Scottage said...

It sounds very interesting, I hope you post some of your results.


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