Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Meet new buddies with complete safety adds the extra dimension of voice to the social networking process is a web-based social networking site that allows you to connect to others using the power of their network and your telephone. Listen to the voice profile of a member first, to get a feeling about whether or not you want to connect. If you do want to connect, the connection is made through the network. The caller ID always displays a number and not your personal phone number.

With you can speak to people all over the country FREE or a low monthly membership fee. Reach out and connect with the knowledge that your personal information and privacy are protected.

Find the Right People Over the Phone - Anytime, Anywhere. And It's Free.

Sign up for an account. Upload your photograph, add keywords to your profile to reflect what you are looking for, then click on My Matches on the menu. You will see the public profile of your matches, with keywords, age, picture, cubeScore, and a call window. You may also search for new friends over the phone. Find new buddies matching your interest keywords who are available to receive calls at that time. It will present you with the top few friends within this category, based on their cubeScore.

What is a cubeScore? Visit, the sponsor of this post, to find out.

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