Blogger in draft adds new features. The polls page element lets you add a poll to your blog’s sidebar. You choose the question and the answers, and let your readers vote. and enclosure links let you turn your blog into a podcast. Next will be video upload. Read about it at the Blogger in Draft blog.
Hi, i was just curious if you have successfully removed your backlink no follow in comments.
I am thinking of some way to write an algorithm to avoid google-bot follow links in comments.
i follow too!!
This is possible only in a few templates. If not you have to add additional code.
if you have done it, nice!!!
You can remove the nofollow code. It will make the comments on the actual post pages (where each post is on a page by itself)follow.
For more information, see this post:
>Do Follow and New Blogger
Nice new features! ;) I'm not sure I'd ever use the podcast but I would use the polls. ;)
Thanks...;D I just came to know this new feature at your blog.I'll see if I can use it at my blogs.
@snoskred-I am just experimenting. It is a true Beta, which they did not do with the new Blogger so much.
@vedis-just make sure you go to bloggerindraft.blogspot.com. You dashboard will change a bit (the B will turn Blue and background will be speckled).
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