Each Tracy recipient is, in our judges' opinions, a unique little nugget of embarrassment that's helped lower the bar in the world of advertising creativity and execution.Take a look at the best of the worst advertising on The Tracys. All the applicants may be viewed one the Cream of the Crap pages. I think you will find a lot of the advertising that has made you cringe over the past year.
The top is really good, very funny, but I don't agree totally with it. I like the windows 7 commercial! :)In the end bad publicity is always good publicity!
Yeah, these really are painful commercials to see. I especially hated the Windows 7 in Family Guy paid ad, because I used to be a fan of FG and and I don't see how an ad for a product of a multi billion dollar company can fit in a show where they make fun of everything that companies like MS stand for. It was a crap and they earned their nomination.
They served their purpose. They were so bad that people are now talking about them. Some of them even got an award. I sort of agree with Carry. Bad publicity can be good publicity if done in good taste. As long as you don't step on anyone's toes then it should be okay.
I did not like any of those ads, I agree with you all those were crap
gezz that's really sucks, only waste of time and money. they must find another ads company.
For me those ads are made without fantasy. they're not original and not interesting.
Good post, nice blog. Thnaks for share. I am follow you.
true. all that waste our time, is really a waste of time
I've seen so many bad advertising this year that nothing can surprise me anymore. Let's just say that I've seen child toy advertisement with adult movie star. That is something really not right.
It is indeed an interesting post to tell the best of the worst advertising method. It would have been a tough call anyway.
Bad publicity can be good publicity if done for good taste.But I've seen so many bad advertisments this year that nothing can surprise me anymore. Let's just say that I've seen child toy advertisement with adult movie star.
not many good commercial nowadays
Nope, don't really like any of them, but just getting an ad out there that people can comment on is sometimes enough.
Some of the worst commercials often end up become the best just because they are 'bad'.
The very fact that you wrote this article on these ads proves their effectiveness. They may be bad, but they worked.
Haha, so funny. I vote for the Family guy ad.
The Best of the worst ad were the little banner ads that appeared on certain channels while thye shows were on. A recent example was on TNT, where a bunch of garbage was slithering on the bottom of the screen during The Wizard of Oz(pay no attention to those ads at the bottom of the screen. They're crap.)
Thanks for this post,lol
good post, thank you
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