Monday, April 11, 2005

No Happy Trails ... Tax Time in Texas

No Happy Trails ... Tax Time in Texas

Well, I have started my yearly sifting of records, organizing into piles by deduction, and generally vowing that next year I will keep better records. Then I realize that, being late preparing my taxes and all, IT IS the next year and its well underway.

Then I have a dilemna, do I start my organizational efforts with this tax year or last year? These thoughts occupy my mind for many an hour as I scratch my head and wonder about this charge from the Shopping Channel: is a chenille comforter that keeps my legs warm while I surf my computer a business expense?

While I am gazing over my receipts and credit card statements, I notice I spent a lot of money on my son's dog. Shots, worming, medicine, weird skin stuff, broken toe, more shots, etc... Would the dog qualify as asset protection? Is this deductible.

You know, I could go crazy each time this year. Unfortunately, going crazy is not an acceptable excuse for not filing your taxes. That's a sobering thought. All those poor crazy people in hospitals ... their tax bill is just waiting for them to reach sane level again. AUGHHHHH!

Oh, well. As someone in Texas (I am sure) said: Nothing certain in life, but death and taxes. As I sit here, covered in printer's ink and surrounded by piles of little pieces of paper, I wonder if the former wouldn't be the better deal.

Happy Taxes to you, until we meet again ...

aka CyberCelt

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