delivers reliable, accurate service journalism in fitness, wellness, fashion, beauty, awareness and nutrition. Its audience of savvy women are genuinely committed to leading healthy, balanced lives.Is it worth $30 for 6 issues? For a limited time, download the first issue (Summer 2006) of VIVmag and make that decision for yourself. I like the idea of digital magazines because it conserves natural resources.
I downloaded the Zinio Reader installer in seconds, installed it in minutes, and the program automatically downloaded the magazine. The Zinio interface is intuitive, with easily recognized icons. The toolbar is pictured below.

Copyright Zinio
The icons left to right: Go to library or read, buy mags, sort, view by title or thumbnail, delete a mag, mail a mag, change options, get help, or search.
When you read a magazine, just some of the icons change and are replaced by these icons pictured below:

Copyright Zinio
The icons left to right: page backwards and forwards, zoom in or out, view the table of contents, annotate a page, print, or send a free copy to your friends.
VIVmag is an engaging magazine with recipes, exercise routines, polls, advertisements, celebrity sponsors and editorial content. Interactive content is activated by clicking an icons on the story, ad, poll or picture. The information on each item is displayed in a box on the page, whether it be demonstration of an exercise move, questions on a reader's poll or information about everything a model in an ad is wearing.

I would recommend that every interested marketer, woman or man, download this free issue. View the future of print magazines. It is almost, but not quite, like leafing through a magazine at the doctor's office. Except all the recipes are there and the pages are not sticky and germ-ridden. LOL
Note the attention given to the details of the full-page advertisements. The technology is used to sell the item, the brand, the model, the accessories, the makeup artist, the hairstylist, the photographer and the creative personnel involved in the execution of the advertisement. However, it is done in an unintrusive manner, so I think it works. What do you think?
Tags: digital magazine, interactive advertising, VIVmag, Zinio media reader, future of print magazines, free issue of VIVmag
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Lots of free Zinio magazines:
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