Friday, February 23, 2007

Need help? Locate What You Need on

I found a great site for locating mental health resources, Originally launched in 1996 as The Therapist Finder, the website was the first online database of mental health professionals. It has now been revamped and relaunched as

On one section of the website you may locate a mental health professional by treatment area, therapeutic approach, managed care or insurance coverage, and location, just to name a few. This is great because trying to find a referral from your HMO or insurance company is usually a total bust. Also, you really do not want to go to a counselor that specializes in depression if you have co-dependency issues.

I will never forget when my ex-husband and I went to a marriage counselor he found in the phone book. The guy was a proponent of Rational Emotive Therapy. I freaked the first time the therapist started cussing at us. Evidently, he thought that was helpful. LOL

The website is full of useful resources like the Psychology News and Research Briefs. For example, Helping Girls Resist Media Sexualization caught my eye because of all the tragic stories about Anna Nicole Smith.

There is one page dedicated to crisis hot lines and emergency helplines, both nationwide and by state. Please visit, the sponsor of this post. Bookmark this website. Hopefully, you will never use it. If you need it, you will be glad that you can find it easily.

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