In the fallout of layoffs and cost cutting, Ask.com spokesman and VP, Nicholas Graham decided to share Ask.com's plans and re-aligned focus. In an interview with Jordan McCollum from WebProNews, Graham shared that the " . . . idea that we're going to become a 'women's site' is not correct. . ."
Graham went on to say:
. . . what we've found from our research is that there's a sizable group of our core user base that is women. This core audience comes for certain types of searches, certain categories-reference (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.), health and entertainment. Our new strategy is to focus on building up our ability to render good answers in those categories for our core audience...Good news for core audience of Ask and for other Ask users. Good news for Ask.com, may it give them time to create a sustainable advantage over their competitors.
Search Engine Marketing Blog by ineedhits: Ask.com Re-Aligns Focus on Answers Rather Than Search Domination-read the article
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In most of third world countries, it is men that dominate the content and internet population. The women is bombarded by men post, comment and content :-p
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